Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i like nutmeg and i'm going to fail exams.

there's just something about nutmeg, i can't quite explain it...

i have barely studied. and by barely i mean i've probably actually studied for 4 hours total these past 3 days. my plan was to study for about 8 hours a day. this is my last day to study and i'm freaking writing in this blog. i'm a procrastinator, yes, but every year i've been able to get my shit together and study for exams. i've been a good crammer. but now, since i've already been accepted to college, i have absolutely no motivation to do anything. i've spent the last three days watching heroes. that's a total of like, 45 episodes. why am i so lazy? i hate myself for it, too. tomorrow i have my french exam followed by my latin exam, so today have to do double studying. and the next day i have bioethics and AP stat. and on top of all of that i have to write a couple papers for english. thankfully i just figured out what i'm going to write them on (which is usually the hardest part), so now all i have to do is get shit done. have i ever said shit on here before? because counting that, i've already said it three times in this post. i'm turning into a vulgar asshole ;)
i hate cursing but i do it a lot and i don't know why. maybe because it makes me feel like a jerk even though i'm not really a jerk. i guess that would make sense. it would throw people off, right? maybe i think cursing is funny? i don't know. it's weird. i should stop.

i'm going to study! seriously, i am! i have to memorize latin cases and french negations and si clauses. woohoo, i'm ecstatic. i hate grammar, man. seriously, hate it. these exams should be easy, if i could only bring myself to study. i am impossibly lazy. this needs to end. once exams are over maybe i'll have a "fresh start." actually, that'll probably be impossible, considering second semester of senior year is definitely the time to slack off for everyone...and since i'm one of the worst procrastinators ever, i'll probably be slacking the most out of everyone else.

so what i'm going to write one of my english papers (the term paper) on is being a stranger in new york city, since the course is "strangers in strange lands." it'll be about my experience at the NYU photography program and i'm calling it "I Am Not a Photographer: A Journal," and it will be exactly what it's called. i'm gonna put little pictures from contact sheets i made on there. it'll be like a little scarpbook.

okay i seriously need to go study some declensions and shit (4!).


  1. Now that there's all that SHIT on your post- GET IT TOGETHER!

    Hope you finally got motivated & are well on your way. Best of luck on your papers & exams. Reading your post, I miss absolutely NONE of that!

    I'm not sure how I feel about nutmeg, but I once knew a girl named Meg who was a bit of one!

  2. hahaha i never really got it together. the papers are done, though. i mgiht actually post one of them on here.

    i can't wait to be a grown up! hahaha.
